8H30 – 12H30 / 14h – 17H30 | from Monday to Friday
03 21 13 13 00
8H30 – 12H30 / 14h – 17H30
from Monday to Friday
03 21 13 13 00
Rehabilitation of groups (Francis types)
In 2021 and 2022, we intervened on the two groups (Francis types) of the Centrale
Hydroelectric power station in Hermillon, France. These operations were carried out in
the framework of the group rehabilitation by our client VOITH HYDRO.
Purpose of the intervention:
Machining of the different elements of the tarpaulin (between 1 and 1.5mm)
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed :
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Wheel coat machining (KAPLAN types)
In January 2022, we worked on the G4 Group (Kaplan type) of the Fessenheim Hydroelectric Power Plant, in France, for our client EDF. At the beginning of January 2024, our teams carried out an identical operation on Groupe G3 de la Centrale.
Purpose of the intervention:
Enlarge the cylindrical and spherical part of the existing wheel mantle by 3 mm radius, while copying the shape already present. The machining had to be done on a height of 1700mm.
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Machining of the wheel coat after reloading
In June 2023, we worked on the G1 Group (Kaplan type) of the Villerest Hydroelectric Power Plant, in France, for our customer EDF.
Purpose of intervention:
Remanufacture the cylindrical and spherical part of the existing wheel mantle after reloading to return to the original shape and ribs. The portion to be taken back extended over a height of about 1000mm.
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
The intervention is identical to that of the Fessenheim wheel mantle, but on a smaller diameter. A smaller machine was therefore used for this operation.
Recovery of different turbine elements
During 2023, we worked on the G1 Group (Kaplan type) of the Ottmarsheim Hydroelectric Power Station, in France, for our customer VOITH HYDRO.
Purpose of the intervention:
Recovery of different turbine elements Flange and Ø6050 H7 of the foundation ring Surfacing of the upper face of the lower ring (Ø6900 to Ø8700) then machining of the face and diameter Ø6900 Undercoating of headgear (Ø6900 to Ø8700) Addition of modifications on the 48 sealing pots (drilling-tapping, facing)
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Rehabilitation of Group G4 (Francis type)
In mid-2023, we worked on the G4 Group (Francis type) of the Revin Hydroelectric Power Plant in France for our customer EDF.
Purpose of the intervention:
Tolerances requested :
A complicated intervention given the difficulty of access as well as the machining carried out with the mounted wheel.
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Rehabilitation of a Group (Francis type)
Machining of the following at the spiral sheet:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
TOP and VAD valve refurbishment
During 2023, we worked on the TOP valve and the VAD valve at the Bort-les-Orgues dam in France for our customer EDF.
Purpose of the intervention:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Turbine shaft machining
During 2023, we worked on a turbine shaft at the Baigts Castetarbe Hydroelectric Power Plant in France for our customer EDF.
Purpose of the intervention:
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
Intervention on Stator of group G1
Our teams are currently working on the G1 group stator carcass of the Villarodin Hydroelectric Power Plant, in France, for our customer JEUMONT ELECTRIC.
Purpose of the intervention:
Tolerances requested:
Intervention performed
Our intervention took place in several stages:
At the request of the Lithuanian Government, ALSTOM HYDRO carried out a rehabilitation project on the KAUNAS Hydroelectric Plant with the objective of increasing the performance of the four turbines.
For this purpose, ALSTOM HYDRO has selected TACQUET INDUSTRIES among the three companies in the world able to perform on-site machining operations. These operations were usually carried out in a heavy workshop.
TACQUET INDUSTRIES carried out the feasibility study, designed a specific machine unique in the world to execute various works on hydroelectric sites and achieved all the machining operations on the turbines.
Installation et réusinage d’un blindage inox
Lors d’une maintenance turbine, au démontage de la roue Francis effectué par ALSTOM HYDRO, le client a constaté une cavitation extrêmement importante avec à certains endroits un percement total du blindage.
Pour garantir le redémarrage optimum de l’installation dans les délais prévus, ALSTOM HYDRO a contacté TACQUET INDUSTRIES afin de réaliser une étude faisabilité et effectuer les travaux dans le délai imparti.
Prestation réalisée en urgence
En collaboration avec ALSTOM HYDRO, TACQUET INDUSTRIES a installé et réusiné un blindage inox avec une précision de 0,1.
Le barrage hydraulique de GURI, situé au centre du Vénézuela à proximité de PUERTA ORDAZ est le troisième plus important barrage hydraulique au monde et compte 16 turbines.
Le Gouvernement Vénézuélien a décidé de réhabiliter l’ensemble des installations du site en 2 phases dont la première a été confiée à ALSTOM HYDRO. Cette réhabilitation concerne 8 groupes sur un total de 16.
Antérieurement, les opérations de maintenance réalisées sur le site GURI avaient nécessité le démontage des pièces endommagées, leur transport dans le monde entier dans de multiples ateliers, leur retour au Vénézuela et au final, le remontage des pièces sur le site. L’ensemble de ces opérations représentait des délais d’intervention très long.
Afin d’accroitre l’efficacité d’intervention, ALSTOM HYDRO a étudié une démarche novatrice en proposant de réaliser l’ensemble des prestations directement sur le site de GURI avec des équipements d’usinage portables.
ALSTOM HYDRO, après étude a confié à TACQUET INDUSTRIE la conception et la réalisation de deux tours portatifs permettant d’usiner jusqu’à 8,5 mètres de diamètre.
Résumé de l’intervention TACQUET INDUSTRIE
Dans le cadre de son programme de réhabilitation des Centrales Hydrauliques françaises, EDF a définit un certain nombre de sites prioritaires dont le Barrage LES CLAUX.
Après étude du Cahier des Charges EDF, TACQUET INDUSTRIES a élaboré une procédure permettant la réalisation des usinages sur site dans le respect des normes définies. Cette procédure a été retenue et validée par EDF.